Each year since 1974, Paris put contemporary artists in the spotlight on the occasion of the FIAC, meaning Foire Internationale d’Art Contemporain (“the Paris International Art Fair”). While some days during the October, the Grand Palais as well as several places named “Hors les Murs” welcomed modern and contemporary works selected among the greatest galleries of… Read more »
Au cœur de Paris et plus précisément au centre de la place Charles de Gaulle, l’Arc de Triomphe de l’Étoile commandé par Napoléon 1er abrite la tombe du Soldat inconnu et la flamme qui brûle en permanence depuis 1923, en souvenir des soldats morts pour la patrie. Chaque soir, à 18h30, des membres des associations… Read more »
So youngly Guccio Gucci developed competences within the fashion field and came nearer the luxury world working into palaces. In 1921 Gucci’s brand was founded and a first shop opened in Florence offered saddlery products, luggage and riding accessories. This first shop was followed by many others and the brand branched out quickly.