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From the thinker to “Les Bourgeois de Calais”

Born in 1840 Auguste Rodin represents one of the most famous French carvers and often he is considered as the pioneer of the modern carving.

He has brought with success the realism of his works with a touch of romance and of impressionism, playing with the light, shining the shapes.

Auguste Rodin was really productive and gave some 7 000 sculptures and also an impressive number of sketches, engravings and photographies. Among these main works remember Le Penseur (the Thinker) and the Monument à Balzac.

In Paris – artist home town – there is a museum consecrated to his work took place within the Biron private mansion at rue de Varenne. In order to go discover his works we advise you to book a Helzear room or suite, a hotel near to the Musée Rodin.

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