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APP 2# 8

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Haute couture, perfumery and fashion mean Chanel’s luxury

Chanel as a brand has emerged as the symbol of the French elegance, delicacy and fashion created for you by the founder Gabrielle Chesnel whose greats seamstress’ name is better known as Coco Chanel. This stallholder’s daughter from the Cevennes born outside of a marriage relationship was in no way fated to become the founder… Read more »

Let us tell you some stories

There are countless stories to tell with the chef Mathieu Pacaud through his dishes prepared and presented with passion. That’s in a delicate and chic setting were intimate alcoves invite you to take place round a table to share unique moments and to savour recipes arising out of French gastronomy traditions, as well as customised… Read more »

Place à la photographie au Grand Palais

La photographie s’est depuis bien longtemps élevée au rang de l’art et elle n’a plus rien à envier aux autres formes artistiques. C’est donc tout naturellement que la Foire Internationale de Photographie d’Art s’invite chaque année au Grand Palais de Paris. Devenu le rendez-vous incontournable des professionnels, des artistes, des collectionneurs ou des simples curieux,… Read more »