Parmi les nombreux musées implantés dans la capitale, le Musée d’Art Moderne de Paris se distingue par la qualité de ses collections permanentes retraçant l’histoire de l’art européen, du fauvisme à nos jours, et de ses expositions temporaires. Le musée est installé dans une aile du Palais de Tokyo, un bâtiment construit pour l’Exposition… Read more »
At the 17th century, Louis XIV king of France felt concerned about giving disabled soldier a roof, he ordered the building of a vast monument to receive them. Actually, he wished mostly clear the capital city’s pavements out, which were full of old soldier who became beggars and even thief. L’Hôtel des Invalides was inaugurated… Read more »
Through a refined setting bordering on the fastidiousness of the Restaurant Pages the young chef called Ryuji Teshima of Japanese origin welcomes and can offer you a gastronomic menu as an echo of his knowledge-course. All the dishes have been made to give customers emotion, them who can attend to cuisine preparations thanks to the… Read more »