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From the thinker to “Les Bourgeois de Calais”

Born in 1840 Auguste Rodin represents one of the most famous French carvers and often he is considered as the pioneer of the modern carving. He has brought with success the realism of his works with a touch of romance and of impressionism, playing with the light, shining the shapes. Auguste Rodin was really productive… Read more »

Au rendez-vous de l’histoire de la gastronomie

Le restaurant Lucas Carton installé dans un immeuble du 19ème siècle situé Place de la Madeleine fait partie de l’histoire de la gastronomie française. De grands chefs se sont succédés aux fourneaux afin de proposer une cuisine savoureuse à une clientèle fidèle. Aujourd’hui, c’est le chef Julien Dumas qui a repris le flambeau de cette… Read more »

A tryst with the story of the gastronomy

Lucas Carton restaurant settled in a 19th century building is established at Place de la Madelaine and relates the story of the French gastronomy. Great chefs have kept coming to prepare as a means to give regular customer a delightful cuisine. Nowadays the chef Julien Dumas took up the torch of this true Parisian institution…. Read more »