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Lets discover the modern art

  Among the many museums set up in the capital city, the Modern Art Museum in Paris stand out by permanency arrays’ quality telling the story of the European art, beginning to the Fauvism until now and with temporary exhibitions. The museum set up in a wing within the Tokyo Palace, a monument built in… Read more »

In the thick of Catherine de Medicis’ gardens

During the second part of the 16th century, the Regent of France named Catherine de Medicis at the time, had the Tuileries Palace built on wilderness lands neighbouring the Louvre. Today, from that royal and imperial mansion only gardens remain. In fact, the monument was burnt during the Paris Commune of 1871, a social conflict… Read more »

À la découverte de l’art contemporain

  Parmi les nombreux musées implantés dans la capitale, le Musée d’Art Moderne de Paris se distingue par la qualité de ses collections permanentes retraçant l’histoire de l’art européen, du fauvisme à nos jours, et de ses expositions temporaires. Le musée est installé dans une aile du Palais de Tokyo, un bâtiment construit pour l’Exposition… Read more »