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Between Sandy and Danny

Having made famous thanks to the eponym movie launched in 1978 the musical show staging Olivia Newton-John and John Travolta called Grease became a symbol of the American youth of the fifties. It was in 1971 that the play was created in Chicago then was played more than 3300 times in Broadway as soon as… Read more »

Haute couture, perfumery and fashion mean Chanel’s luxury

Chanel as a brand has emerged as the symbol of the French elegance, delicacy and fashion created for you by the founder Gabrielle Chesnel whose greats seamstress’ name is better known as Coco Chanel. This stallholder’s daughter from the Cevennes born outside of a marriage relationship was in no way fated to become the founder… Read more »

A detour at the Grand Palais

It is at the heart of Paris, along the Champs-Élysées that the Grand Palais received the visitors since the Exposition Universelle of 1900. As an architectural crowning achievement the monument is remarkable for the steel and glass use, for that time components was innovative and contemporary. Over time the Grand Palais put exhibitions, circus shows,… Read more »